NBA Data Dictionary

Data Element Definition
active A designation for a player who is either on a team or is eligible to be.
article_author The author of an article
article_date The date that an article was added to the Fantasy Nerds system
article_excerpt A short snippet of an article if available.
article_headline The headline for a specific article
article_link The article URL to view the full story
assists Statistical: Assists
auction_value The consensus auction value for a player - the most fair price to bid.
away_score The final score for the visiting team
away_team The visiting team code
blocks Statistical: Blocks
college The college that the player attended
confirmed Whether or not a lineup is confirmed. "0" is a projected lineup. "1" is a confirmed lineup.
depth The ordinal ranking of the person on the depth chart. A "1" indicates the starter or the player who is current atop the depth chart.
dob A player's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD
fg Statistical: field goal percentage
forecast A description of the weather forecast
ft Statistical: free throw percentage
gameId A unique reference ID for a specific game
games_played Statistical: games played
game_date The datetime for the game. All times are in the Eastern timezone.
game_status A description for a player's game status
height A player's height in feet and inches
home_score The final score for the home team
home_team The home team code
injury A description of a player's injury
last_update The last date that the data was updated (YYYY-MM-DD)
max_value The maximum auction value that a player should go for. A player obtained for more than this price is likely overpriced.
minutes Statistical: Minutes played
min_value The minimum auction value that a player should go for. A player obtained for less than this price is a great value.
name The player or team name
playerId A unique reference ID for a specific player
playerIds An array of Fantasy Nerds playerIds
points Statistical: Points scored
position A player's primary position
position_category A generalized category for a specific position. For example, a player's position could be "PG" for point guard, but he belongs to a generalized position category of "G" for guards.
proj_pts The projected points for a given scoring system
rank An ordinal ranking
rank_position The player's rank among players of the same position
rebounds Statistical: Rebounds
season The season that the data is applicable for
star A Fantasy Nerds designation for a player who is generally more fantasy-relevant than others
steals Statistical: Steals
team An alias of team_code
team_code The abbreviation for a team name
team_name The full name of a team
threes Statistical: three pointers made
turnovers Statistical: Turnovers
weight A player's weight in lbs
winner The winner of the contest